Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility(SECUF)

SECUF aims at the discovery of new materials/phenomena/mechanisms triggered by advanced extreme physical conditions such as low temperature down to 1 mK, high pressure up to 300 GPa, high magnetic field up to 30 T, and ultra-fast laser pulse short then 100 as. It is a user facility open to academic and industrial users in China and world-wide to carry out material preparation, physical property characterization, quantum manipulation, and ultra-fast dynamic process investigations at combined extreme conditions that generally not available in users’ home institutions.

SECUF is constructed under a joint partnership between the Beijing Municipality, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jilin university, and as a part of "Beijing National Science and Innovation Center" program. It costed about 1.63 billion yuan and cover 180 acres of land (130 acres in Huairou, Beijing, and 50 acres in Jilin University). 

SECUF consists of 25 experimental stations, which are grouped into four research platforms:

1. Physical Property Measurement Platform.

2. Quantum Manipulation Platform.

3. Ultrafast Dynamic and Imaging Platform.

4. High-temperature / High-pressure Material Science Research Platform.

The first three platforms are located in Huairou science city, Beijing, together with the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS, in construction), to form the major components of "Beijing National Science and Innovation Center". The High-temperature / High-pressure Material Science Research Platform is constructed in Jilin Province by Jilin University.

Since the beginning of 2023, the first three platforms have entered into the working status, which contains twenty experimental stations available to the users as follow. When clicking on the name of the experimental station below, you can get a detailed description.

For more details, you can get throng the websites.

In Chinese: 综合极端条件实验装置

In English:Synergetic Extreme Conditions User Facility




